Legislation in AZ, OR, WY, KS, MO, TN, AL GA, SC, FL, WV, and OH
by Rex Gaylord on 03/23/24
The Heart of Dixie Shiba Inu Fanciers, Inc appointed a Legislative Committee. This blog is our first attempt to help our members keep aware of the proposed legislation and newly enacted laws in their area. Since we have members in AZ, OR, WY, KS, MO, TN, AL GA, SC, FL, WV, and OH it will take some time to find and monitor this information for our members. We are using information from The AKC and Bill Track 50. In the future we will attempt to combine the two Excel files and put them into a better format, and we will highlight anything we see that needs attention by our members we will highlight it here.
Both West Virginia and Georgia have put forth resolutions to recognize May 1st as Purebred Dog Day.
Missouri has several bills before them that could easily impact dog breeders there including keeping records on genetic testing, health testing, and vaccination records. They have some bills on “micro shelters” that potentially could impact dog breeders. If you are from Missouri, I encourage you to use the hyperlinks in the spreadsheets to review.
In Tennessee there is proposed legislation that would define a “Commercial Breeder” as “individuals controlling ten or more dogs or cats for the purpose of selling their offspring as companion animals” and then sets forth additional regulations for them.
Please contact us if you have any suggestions for The Dog Law Blog.